Saturday, October 28, 2006


The electricity has gone out 12 times in the last half hour (literally, I´m not joking. Blackouts are a daily thing here, and today´s particularly bad), so I´m going to make this brief. Here are a few select photos from the past 7 weeks, in no particular order--enjoy!

Nate´s birthday in Santo Domingo. Check out the machete they gave us to cut the cake!

My homestay house in Santo Domingo (the green one on the left side)

The beach in Pedernales, where I went on my volunteer visit. Absolutely gorgeous.

The immigration post on the Dominican-Haitian border.

A little bachata dancing post swimming lessons in Pesernales. Considering we live on a relatively small island, a surprising number of Domincans don´t know how to swim, so in Pedernales a PC volunteer incorporated lessons into her work with the local youth group. Very fun.

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