Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Last in a long list of visitors

It's been nearly 7 months since my last post, so I figured it's high time I add something new. I can't imagine trying to write about everything that's happened since February, so I'll start with something a bit easier: photos. I said goodby to Sarah Farber at the airport yesterday, last in my long list of visitors, and it got me thinking about what a huge part of my DR experience hosting friends and family from home has been. It's been so much fun to share my life here with everyone, from motorcycle rides up to the coffee farms to sleeping inside a mosquito net and bathing with a bucket (when we're lucky enough to have water), and I'm honored that so many people from home were able to travel to the Caribbean to see it all. Thank you!!! Still interested in coming down but think you missed your chance? I'll be here until late November and my door's always open... as the saying goes, mi casa es su casa!

Thanks for coming!

Mel, Tim and Cat heading back from Bahia de las Aguilas, April ´07

Tim and Melanie cruising down the loma back towards Enriquillo, April '07

Shopping at the Haitian/Dominican border market with Erica in Pedernales, May'07

Erica braving the waves at San Rafael

Getting a 'bola' down the southern coast (aka hitchiking)

Schreins and Meliss, December '07

Emily and I watching the sunset in Bahoruco

Nate, Kimberly, Me, Iosefa, and Darrel spending Christmas Eve in Vicentillo, 2007

Feliz Navidad!

The Watson family atop the Ozama Fortress in Santo Domingo, January '08

Mom and Dad at Los Patos, feasting on rice and spaghetti with the women of the Love and Faith Women's Cooperative

Lisa and I making paper cards with Mirqueya and Negra

Lisa adored my new kitty, Mucina--can´t you tell?

Sarah Farber sips a cafecito with Bienvenida at their coffee farm up in the loma, August '08

We couldn't resist taking a picture of the Haitian priest with the Mariners shirt

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

And She’s Back!!!!

Hey folks, I’m alive and well after absent a few months after my last hurricane-drenched post. A LOT has happened since October and I don’t have too much time at the moment to fill y’all in now, so for now I’ll leave you with the highlights and some photos to satisfy your curiosities until I get another chance at the internet. Thanks for checking back in!

This has been the season of the “visit,” starting of with Emily and Steve Schreiner from Spokane (the former Emily Fuller, for those of you who are out of the loop), then Darrel Frost from la Gran Manzana, and finally my wonderful, adventurous parents. All visits were incredible, and I feel so very fortunate to have friends and family who would come all the way to the Dominican Republic to visit me. The beaches and warm weather don’t hurt of course, but unless you’re stuck in an all-inclusive a trip in the DR is no cakewalk—just ask my mom and dad about hitchhiking their way up the south coast in the back of a truck!

Steve, Emily, Me and Iosefa watching the sunset out at Bahia de las Aguilas