Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Un chin más

´Chin´is one of my favorite Dominicanisms. It means a tiny bit, and they use it all the time for everything--and therefore so do I! This afternoon we have our official swearing-in ceremony, which is sure to be a soggy one since it´s been pouring since Monday. Then tomorrow we have a big Thanksgiving party (alas, no Tofurkey this year), followed by an all-volunteer conference on Friday and a couple days to relax in the capital with Kimberly, Nate, and a few friends. On Monday I´ll be heading out to my site and settling in at my new home, which I´ll admit is a little bit daunting. At this point, two years sounds like an eternity to me... but at the same time I´m incredibly excited about my site and eager to get started on my projects, and I have a feeling that come November 2008, those two years will have flown by. But I digress... Let me tell you more about what I´ll be doing, or at least what I think I´ll be doing:

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